fencing, it is likely that you will be selecting between vinyl and wood fencing. Both have advantages and negatives. You are able to choose which is right for you by going through this instructional video.
Pricing is the primary consideration. Pricing will differ from one company to the next but this company charges $11,683 for a 200-foot piece of fence. Vinyl fencing is $11,683 for that same size yard. It also includes two gates.
Even though the wooden fence is costlier to build, the customers also have to account for a wood sealer that will be added to the fence to protect against the elements as well as pests. It can increase the total price of the fencing made of wood higher than vinyl fence, which does not require a sealer.
In the future, you have to consider sealing the wood in the years. This will result in further charges. The staining process should be done every three to four years. The fence should be expected to last 15 years. After that, the fence needs to be repaired or replaced.
Vinyl fencing is extremely low maintenance. As long as the fence gets cleaned regularly again, the fence will stay in great condition for more than 15 years. The vinyl fence can be more efficient in terms of cost.
For additional information you can watch the video at the link above.