Deferring your mortgage could allow you to save a percentage of your income. Learn more about how a mortgage deferral works.
Deferring mortgage payments will not impact your credit score. An approved deferment by a lender will not count as in the same way as a missed payment. The deferment will not show in your credit report.
No lender is going to forgive your mortgage payment. There is a way to incorporate certain mortgage payment into your mortgage however, the lender will have to pay all of the interest you owe.
The financial strain must be proved to be a valid reason for mortgage deferrals. This includes customers having difficulty making the next mortgage installment due to being laid off from work or losing a percentage of their income having no savings to pay their bills.
The deferred payment program is capped with a minimum of six months typically. You should be able to be expecting a 6-month deferral however, no lender can offer it all at one time. Each payment will require an application for deferral.
Check out the video below to find out more!