The asphalt depression is affected in areas with high traffic. The repair of parking lot is necessary in this case.
Here are the reasons why you need professional parking garage services for repairing damaged asphalt depressions.
1. Mark Out the Area
The use of marking paint is necessary to mark the location that has been damaged by asphalt.
2. Saw Cut the Outer Perimeter
When you’re finished the markings, it’s time to take a knife to the exterior of the patch. Don’t forget to wear your headphones, goggles, and helmet in order to protect yourself from damage to parking spaces.
3. Remove the Asphalt that is in place
Now that cutting is done begin excavating the dirt and asphalt using the Bobcat.
4. The Putting on of the Base Coat
Next, put the base coat hl8 asphalt then finish it with the top coat of the HL3.
5. Raking
Once you have applied the required asphalt base coat, you have to rake the surface to the ideal degree.
6. In the process of leveling
Make use of a play compact level the basecoat asphalt so it’s level enough for topcoat.
7. Top Coat
This is the place where the highest asphalt needs to be placed. To level the asphalt, you will also need to remove it from the ground and then move it. Then, you’ll be able to clean the edges with any shovel and rake.